
Membership Subscription

Show your support for OCR FM community radio station by subscribing as a member!

As a non-profit community organisation OCR FM relies on memberships to remain on-air and financial support from the community is vital for the survival of the station.

Becoming a member of OCR FM shows your support for the station, and at certain levels you have the ability to get involved with the operation of the station. Full members can assist in various ways from office work and administration to IT support and organising fundraising activities.

Being a full member of OCR FM also gives you the opportunity to present your own radio show, after you have completed appropriate training.

Membership prices are for 12 months and all members receive the monthly newsletter Off-Air News for the 12 months of membership (all memberships can be renewed after 12 months).

Membership prices

OCR FM punk lizard.
  • Supporters receive OCR FM newsletters and information updates
  • No voting rights on committee, though all ideas and concerns will be
  • Able to participate in fundraising and eligible for any rewards or prizes
OCR FM country lizard.
Full Member
  • Training for producing and presenting programs.
  • Voting rights at committee meetings to help shape the station’s
    development, minutes will be available.
  • Eligibility for Executive positions, – Official duties such as administration, music library, technical work and promotions.
  • Receive newsletters and updates
OCR FM world lizard.
  • Training for producing and presenting programs.
  • Voting rights at committee meetings to help shape the station’s
    development, minutes will be available.
  • Eligibility for Executive positions, – Official duties such as administration, music library, technical work and promotions.
  • Receive newsletters and updates
OCR FM lizard variations.

This fee is full membership (as detailed above) for up to four immediate
family members.

OCR FM lizard variations.

This fee will cover training for two members of the group, so they may
produce and present programs that relate to their group activities.


Simply complete our online membership application below. Alternatively, if you prefer to print you can download the Membership form

Join Now Online

Membership Join

$20 per year

  • Supporters receive OCR FM newsletters and information updates
  • No voting rights on committee, though all ideas and concerns will be noted
  • Able to participate in fundraising and eligible for any rewards or prizes

$50 per year ($40 concession)

  • Training for producing and presenting programs.
  • Voting rights at committee meetings to help shape the station’s development, minutes will be available.
  • Eligibility for Executive positions, – Official duties such as administration, music library, technical work and promotions.
  • Receive newsletters and updates

$100 per year

This fee is full membership (as detailed above) for up to four immediate family members.

$100 per year

This fee will cover training for two members of the group, so they may produce and present programs that relate to their group activities.


  1. A right, privilege or obligation which a person has by reason of being a member of the association:
    1. is not capable of being transferred or transmitted to another person; and
    2. terminates on cessation of the person’s membership.
    3. if membership is renewed within 3 months of the due date, the membership payment is recognized as the original payment date.
  2. A group (outside OCR FM) membership:
    1. allows 2 members of that organization training to present programming related to their group activities as per OCR FM policy.
    2. a grouped is unable to vote at Committee of Management meetings.
    3. a Group cannot hold an Executive position on the Committee of Management
  3. A family membership:
    1. allows immediate family members (maximum of 4) training to present programming as per OCR FM policy.
    2. allows only 2 votes at Committee of Management meetings, votes made in person or by proxy.
    3. only one member of the family membership may hold a position on the Committee of Management.
    4. family members must be over the age of 18 years to vote at Committee of Management meetings.

I agree to follow all community radio, CBAA and OCR FM Policies and Procedures

Sign Here
Sign Here

Download the Membership Form

You can fill in the Membership Form as a PDF electronically but it does need to be printed and signed and then returned to us here at OCR FM.

Completed forms can be posted to us at PO Box 31, Colac 3250, or scanned and emailed to

For more details regarding membership contact us;

Phone: (03) 5232 1991       Email: